Geoff Ostrin, BFH-W Bern
"Constraint satisfaction problems: From the front of the class to the back of the school"
Abstract: There is a certain serendipity when we discover that what we teach in the classroom can actually be applied in the real world. Over the past years, we have offered a course titled Management Science at the BFH where we teach the use of linear programming in solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSP). This knowledge and associated methods are just what we need to solve many practical problems in the running and organisation of universities and schools. In my talk I will demonstrate the general type of practical problems that we can solve and discuss some of the interesting issues that have arisen in constructing models for finding appropriate solutions.
Folien (pdf)
Philipp Schmid, ZHAW Winterthur, Preisträger des GMFH-Preises 2018
"Stereo visual inertial odometry" (mit dem GMFH-Preis ausgezeichnete Master-Thesis)
Folien (pdf)
Reinhard Riedl, BFH-W Bern
"Mathematics as foundation for the digital transformation our economy and society"
Abstract: The talk provides a survey of the key drivers of digital transformation that relate to mathematics. It explains how mathematical thinking and mathematics get into the play when digital solutions are designed. It discusses how mathematical teaching programs in non-mathematical disciplines should be adapted to cover the new needs. And it formulates open research topics that have emerged from ongoing applied research on digital transformation.
Folien (pdf)
Dirk Wulf, Universität Basel
"Data-driven decision making"
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Beat Scherrer, ZHAW Winterthur
"Zum Mathematikunterricht an der ZHAW School of Management and Law"
Folien (pdf)
Michel Krebs, BFH-W Bern
"Zum Mathematikunterricht an der BFH-W"
Folien (pdf) |